Irish Restaurant – Polish Taste

Jun 1, 2017

During PolskaÉire Festival / PolskaÉire Gorey Festival 2017 on Wednesday evening there was a culinary feast “Irish Restaurant – Polish Taste,” prepared by Fabien Riquet – the Head Chef of The Kitchen at Gorey. Fabien had shown us how to cook delicious “rosół”, properly prepare silesian “rolada” and surprise our family with delicate baked “sernik”. After an interesting and fun presentation it was time for trying those amazing dishes. Both Polish and Irish participants of this unique dinner were delighted with the food and wonderful atmosphere during the event. One of our distinguished guest was Deputy Ambassador Piotr Rakowski with his wife Ola Derra.

Big thank you to Fabien Riquet and Cathy Farrell from The Kitchen at Gorey – one of our main sponsors for hosting this event.