Trening bokserski z Krzysztofem Diablo Włodarczykiem
Zamknięty trening dla zawodników Gorey Boxing Club z Krzysztof "Diablo" Włodarczyk to było niezwykłe...
POZNAJ MISTRZA” Spotkanie z Krzysztofem “Diablo” Włodarczykiem
Spotkanie Polonii z Krzysztofem "Diablo" Włodarczykiem było niezwykłą okazją dla fanów boksu. W trakcie tego...
“My Wonderland-Oceania” Magiczny pokaz mody Urszuli Kaczor
Uliczne pokazy mody są zawsze pełne magii i inspiracji, a tak właśnie było podczas wyjątkowego wydarzenia...

Culture Night 2022. An amazing story about a Pole whose life is intertwined with the history of Ireland. “A Forgotten Polish Hero of the Great Irish Famine: Paul Strzelecki’s Struggle to Save Thousands.

Launch of the PolskaÉire Festival in Gorey 2022. The opening of the photography exhibition by Ryszard Tatomir “Wieliczka Salt Mine – the amazing world of salt”

‘The amazing world of salt – Wieliczka Salt Mine’. We are pleased to invite you to the exhibition of photographs by Ryszard Tatomir.

30th anniversary of Puck District Council. Photographs from Gorey and its surroundings are back in Poland.

Strong Polish accents during Culture Night in Gorey on the 20th of September prepared by Polish Cultural Association –

Polish artists in Ireland, photography exhibition of Joseph Dixon and delegation of councillors from Puck District in Poland – PolskaÉire Festival 2019 in Gorey.

PolskaÉire Festival 2019 in Gorey – opening of Joseph’s Dixon photography exhibition ‘My home, Your home’

The Mayor of Puck District, Tadeusz Puszkarczuk will pay a visit to Gorey during the PolskaÉire Gorey Festival 2019.

Maciej Neumann Kochański, the chairman of, is the winner of the ‘Outstanding Pole in Ireland’ competition.

Paintings by Kate Kos, painter from Gorey, will be exhibited in Puck under the 15. Puck Artistic Ehxibition

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